Introducing Our Divine Feminine Crystal Bra Bracelet

Introducing Our Divine Feminine Crystal Bra Bracelet

Many women are experiencing their personal awakening and more than ever before, right now is a divine time for every person to buckle down, double their study of self, and connect to this inner feminine energy—otherwise known as the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine is the healing feminine force that connects people to Mother Nature, other people, and all energy sources. It is an interwoven essence that speaks to authentic power.The world desperately needs more compassion, empathy, and warmth, which are the natural skills and intentions of archetypal femininity.

The crystals, Aquamarine, Moonstone, Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz in our exclusive Divine Feminine Crystal Bra Bracelet have been carefully selected by our Certified Crystal Healers to complement each other and to provide protection and strength to manifest and hold onto your Divine Feminine energy.

Aquamarine is a stone of release and purification and also soothes skin conditions and reduces inflammation. A water element stone, Aquamarine is cooling and calming. This crystal assists one in clear communication of one's highest truth. It can help one overcome the fear of speaking.

Moonstone is protection, intuition and perception. It enhances femininity and positive change.  It is commonly used as a Talisman for inner journey and is ideal for past life regressions. Moonstone also helps one to move closer to the Great Mother.

Clear Quartz encourages clarity on all levels. It can be used to enhance communication with guides. It is also known for amplifying psychic abilities. Clear Quartz acts to stimulate and open all chakras. It amplifies any emotion with which it moves into resonance and stimulates nervous system.  Clear quartz may be programmed as well.

Rose Quartz, with its gentle pink essence, is the one true stone of the heart and is the crystal of Unconditional Love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura.

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