The Benefits of Lotus Oil

The Benefits of Lotus Oil

Any essential oil that is obtained from a flower symbolizes knowledge, purity, and serenity. The same applies to lotus oil as well. With rich amounts of antioxidants helping to treat different skin problems to improving concentration and appetite, the lotus oil benefits are abundant.

Liquid Lotus- Happiness in Bottle- is the most expensive and sacred oil in the world.

Ecstasy Oil for Egyptians and also known for building confidence and self-esteem. Lotus is the oil of NOW, keeping us in the moment rather than upset over the past or future. Tuned to the crown chakra for opening our awareness. Lotus oil is also known as a powerful overall Health Helper and it unconsciously encourages deep breathing which increases oxygen and overall well being.

Lotus essential oil is obtained from the flowers of Nelumbo nucifera. Commonly known as Indian Lotus, the plant belongs to the family Nymphaeaceae.

It is a perennial aquatic herb of the Indian Origin. The plant has a slender, elongated creeping stem with cup-shaped aerial, flat-floating leaves and white to rosy flowers. Its flowers vary in color but have a pleasant aroma.The lotus essential oil is extracted from dried lotus flowers through the process of steam distillation. 

Though the lotus oil benefits are abundant, the most prominent ones include:

1. Improves skin texture
Who doesn't like glowing skin? Skin, being the outermost largest organ in the body, is exposed to pollution, environmental stress, allergens, and other harmful factors.

But little did you know that you can have naturally-glowing skin when both your body and mind are healthy.

No wonder lotus essential oil is used as one of the key ingredients in many health and skin care products. Not only its aroma but also its therapeutic properties make it an essential component in those products.

Traditionally, lotus has been used for getting smooth, gleaming skin (6). All you have to do is add a drop of lotus essential oil in your body lotions or massage oil. Since Lotus oil is suspected to cause pigmentation, it is always best to add it in a minimal quantity.

You can feel a refreshing and cooling effect on your skin while giving a smooth texture over time.

2. Relieves stress
Hectic lifestyle and an unhealthy diet are the two major factors for stress these days. Moreover, the way your body and mind reacts to a situation also has both positive and negative effects.

However, the sweet aroma of lotus oil helps you to overcome stress just by inhaling. The compounds 1,8-cineole, terpinen-4-ol, and linalool present in the oil are responsible for this.

To overcome stress, you can either massage the diluted lotus oil or diffuse it in the room using a diffuser.

3. Lowers blood pressure
When your blood exerts too much pressure on the walls of arteries consistently, it is called high blood pressure.

High blood pressure often shows no signs and symptoms. It can go unnoticed even for many years. The apparent cause of high blood pressure is not precisely known, but it may lead to heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure.

Fortunately, the compounds present in the lotus essential oil passes through the skin and relaxes the blood vessels. It alleviates high BP, making one feel calm and relaxed.

A gentle massage after a cardio workout session would immensely help. Dilute 1 drop of Lotus essential oil in 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Massage your body with this diluted lotus essential oil gently. This helps in lowering blood pressure and moisturizing the skin as well.

4. Aids deep breathing
Taking a few minutes to focus on your breath every day can do wonders for your life. Meditation needs no propaganda today. However, if you are a beginner, you would find it difficult to meditate initially.

But lotus essential oil would be an immense help in that case. Inhaling the aroma of lotus essential oil facilitates deep breathing and calmness so that you can achieve that "meditative state" within seconds.

The aroma also helps you to focus on your breath for a long time. However, make sure you do not diffuse the oil in a congested place. It is always best to meditate in a spacious and clean environment.

5. Gets rid of acne
Acne is one of the most embarrassing problems among people. It is often a hormone related issue and can occur in any stage of life.

In fact, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, inflammation, and scars can occur anywhere in the body.

Healthy home-cooked foods, regular exercise, and a periodic gentle massage may help you get rid of acne over time. Avoid processed foods, sugars, and fats for faster healing.

The astringent, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties of lotus essential oil make it an excellent remedy for acne.

Dilute 1 or 2 drops of lotus essential oil in 2 tablespoons of Jojoba oil. Apply it on the affected regions gently during the night. You can find significant improvement in your skin conditions in a few weeks.

6. Activates the crown chakra
Both the lotus flower and its essential oil are considered sacred. It is believed that the lotus oil can cleanse one's karma.

Inhaling the aroma of lotus oil helps you breathe deep, which, in turn, gives you a sense of serenity and peacefulness.

Lotus is considered a symbol of purity and non-attachment. The oil prepares you for spiritual awakening by cleansing and activating your Crown Chakra.

You can inhale the aroma of the oil by diffusing it in a room before you meditate. You can also use it in your bath or massage by adding a drop of oil in bathing water or oil.

7. Keeps you young
Aging is a graceful phenomenon. As we age, we gather more memories, experiences, and life lessons. However, the current lifestyle doesn't allow us to age gracefully.

We are bound by work stress, relationship issues, unnecessary worries, and competition, making "aging" a complicated phenomenon.

Tirumular, a mystic, and a writer has written that one who breathes deeply and slowly would live young for a long time. Lotus essential oil helps you breathe deep.

Your mind works in coordination with your breath. When you are angry or excited, you can notice that your breath is short and fast. When you are calm, your breath is deep and slow.

This doesn’t mean you have to overuse lotus oil. We recommend you to use the oil as a tool to keep your mind young and healthy so that you grow young gracefully.

8. Overcomes insomnia
When there is anxiety, a human mind primarily worries during the night time. It often sorts out the day problems during the night.

Adding to this, the glare from smartphones, computer screen, TVs, and other gadgets suppresses melatonin production, making it difficult for you to sleep.

Work stress, improper diet, pain, stress, and anxiety disturb the sleep. If you feel tired all day or if you start worrying about your sleep, then you possibly have Insomnia.

But the good news is that lotus oil helps you to ease anxiety during the night. It relaxes your body and mind, letting you sleep peacefully.

Blend 1 drop of lotus oil with 3 - 4 drops of lavender oil and 2 tablespoons of carrier oil of your choice. Massage your foot using this mixture.

You can also diffuse the oil using a vaporizer or diffuser in the room before sleep time.

9. Acts as a tonic
Lotus essential oil is rich in Vitamin C. It is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and an astringent as well.

It helps in maintaining the strength of the body, integrity of organs, the immune system, and the skin. It keeps you feel relaxed and calm so that you remain healthy, young, and active.

The lotus essential oil scavenges the free radicals formed in the body and boosts the immune system. The flavonoids present in the lotus essential oil facilitates proper metabolism in the body.

10. Aids weight loss
Lotus oil helps you to lose weight and manage the weight after weight loss. Traditionally, lotus flowers were used in teas to aid weight loss. There are not many scientific studies on this aspect of lotus oil.

However, many anecdotal pieces of evidence have shown the role of lotus essential oil in weight loss.

We highly recommend you to consult a professional aromatherapist in person if you wish to use the lotus essential oil for weight loss.


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