Discovering Your Soul Card: A Tarot Exercise from Lisa Tjaden's "The Basics of Reading Tarot"

Discovering Your Soul Card: A Tarot Exercise from Lisa Tjaden's "The Basics of Reading Tarot"

In the journey of learning Tarot, one of the most enriching and revealing exercises you can engage in is discovering your soul card. This simple yet profound technique offers insight into your core motivations and life purpose, providing a deeper understanding of who you are and what drives you. An excerpt from Lisa Tjaden's book, The Basics of Reading Tarot, introduces this enlightening exercise, alongside the concept of creating custom Tarot spreads that resonate with your personal journey.

The Versatility of Tarot Spreads

As Lisa Tjaden explains, there are countless Tarot spreads tailored to various aspects of life, such as relationships, careers, and even chakra alignment. Each spread is designed to address specific questions or areas of focus, helping you navigate the complexities of life with clarity and wisdom. As you become more comfortable and confident with your readings, you may find yourself creating custom spreads that align with your unique style and needs. This flexibility is one of the many beauties of Tarot—allowing you to explore and express your intuition in a way that feels authentic to you.

The Soul Card Exercise: Unveiling Your Inner Truth

One particularly fun and insightful Tarot exercise Lisa introduces is the soul card discovery. This method helps you uncover the Tarot card that represents your soul’s essence, reflecting your motivations, purpose, and the lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime.

To determine your soul card, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Numbers of Your Birthdate: Begin by adding the numbers of your birth day, month, and year together. For example, if your birthday is June 29, 1967, the calculation would look like this:

    • 06 (June)
    • 29 (Day)
    • 1967 (Year)

    Adding these together:

    • 06 + 29 + 1967 = 2002
  2. Reduce to a Single Digit or Corresponding Major Arcana Number: Next, add the digits of the total until you arrive at a single digit or a number corresponding to a Major Arcana card:

    • 2 + 0 + 0 + 2 = 4

    In this example, the Emperor card (number 4 in the Major Arcana) is the soul card, representing structure, authority, and stability.

Some people may end up with a number that distills down further, such as 19 (The Sun), which can reduce to 10 (The Wheel of Fortune) and then to 1 (The Magician). In such cases, Lisa encourages you to explore the meanings of all the relevant cards, as they collectively reflect different facets of your soul’s journey.

Evolving Your Soul Path

An exciting variation of this exercise involves substituting your birth year with the current year to discover your soul path at this specific moment in time. This variation reveals the lessons and themes currently shaping your life, providing valuable guidance for navigating your present circumstances.

Lisa Tjaden’s The Basics of Reading Tarot offers a wealth of knowledge and practical exercises like this one, making it an essential guide for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of Tarot. By discovering your soul card, you not only gain insight into your innermost self but also connect with the profound wisdom of the Tarot in a personal and meaningful way.

Whether you’re a seasoned reader or just starting your Tarot journey, understanding your soul card can be a transformative experience, illuminating the path ahead and helping you align with your true purpose.

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