The Path To Healing The Chakras

The Path To Healing The Chakras

When chakras are not balanced, you know it immediately. You don't feel well. Balancing your chakras requires harmonizing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. In order to do so, imagine the following as a spiral that starts the healing process of feeling happy, well and alive.

1. Be active. Oxygen not only feeds the body, it feed the brain. Accomplishing this will give you pride, which leads you to...

2. Be more confident. This allows you to establish satisfying relationships and display enthusiasm that will enable you to...

3. Express your various strengths and feel your personal power. Gaining self-esteem opens the door to...

4. Loving others and feeling the warmth of compassion. This enables giving and brings...

5. To inquire rather than make assumptions. You are able to speak your truth with clarity, sensitivity and certainty.

6. This certainty will let you surrender enough to be able to perceive the purpose of life and go beyond matter to intuitively see the big picture.

7. Once you see everything globally, it brings forth a sense of communion with the rest of the universe, and a connection with the divine.

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